
Connect two SEN0546 to ESP8266

userHead Duarte.Cota 2023-02-03 04:44:57 192 Views3 Replies

I need to connect two SEN0546 I2C Temperature & Humidity Sensor to ESP8266.


Is this possible only by assigning a diferent address to the second? In this case what would be the address (i am using 0x40 on the first))


Thank you.

2023-02-03 09:16:14


The I2C address of SEN0546 is fixed at 0x40. In this situation, Gravity: Digital 1-to-8 I2C Multiplexer is recommended to use, which can solves the address conflict and enables the normal communication with multiple same-address I2C devices.


Hope it can help!


userHeadPic Tonny12138
Duarte.Cota wrote:

Hi Tonny,


Thank you very much. I will go that way.



2023-02-03 22:00:28
1 Replies
2023-02-03 04:48:14

userHeadPic Duarte.Cota