General Arduino

SOP Arduino-compatible MCU?

userHead pinur.mato 2023-02-12 21:12:23 641 Views1 Replies

An unusual request, but can anyone recommend a modern, reasonably priced MCU that is Arduino-compatible and available in a SMD package with 1.27 mm (0.05") pitch legs? I don't think it needs to be particularly powerful; I just need it to control an HT16K33 LED driver which in turn will animate an 8x16 dot matrix. I will want to use the Adafruit GFX library; I'm not sure how much space that requires. Thanks.

2023-02-13 15:09:06

You can take a look at Atmel ATSAMD21G18A, NXP LPC810 or the STM32F0 series. 

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini