General Robotics

Looking for compatible motor with encoder

userHead Ben.Cranston 2023-02-16 10:40:54 974 Views5 Replies


I have one of the Pirate kits.  I've managed to damage the plastic gears on the motors and would like to upgrade to a motor that has metal gears and an encoder.  Can you make a recommendation on one that will fit the Pirate kit form factor.  Thanks!



2023-02-20 08:57:24


I have checked with the product manager, the material of the gear is plastic with nylon, not metal.

You can see whether this motor fits your needs, this one is made of pure metal.

userHeadPic Tonny12138
Ben.Cranston wrote:

Thank you for the confirmation and suggestion.  I'm not sure if it will work in the Pirate kit as the motors are “L” shaped in that kit.  Can you advise on your suggested product and if it will fit in the Pirate kit?  Thanks!

2023-02-20 21:26:25
1 Replies
2023-02-17 02:55:47

Looking further in the catalog I see which has an encoder..  But other than the mention of a metal shaft, there is no indication if the gears inside are plastic or metal.  Can someone confirm the construction material of the gears?  thanks.

userHeadPic Ben.Cranston
2023-02-16 16:47:26

These are the generic BO motor and wheels set. You can buy from any online/offline electronics parts shop.

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
Ben.Cranston wrote:

Thank you.  Those look exactly like the ones that came in the kit.  And based on the description given on the amazon listing, are not with metal gears nor the encoders I'm looking for.  


Specifically I'm looking for compatible form factor, but with metal gears and rotary encoder.


This listing: has the encoder, but no indication of the material of the gears.  


Same thing for this one:


Unknown if the gears are metal.

2023-02-16 19:58:32
1 Replies