General Arduino

DFPLAYER PRO Play from USB Stick

userHead Frank.Liessner 2023-02-23 21:59:53 284 Views2 Replies

I know I can connect the DFPLAYER PRO to my computer and copy files to it and play it. That is working fine. 

Now I would like to plugin a USB Stick directly to the DFPLAYER PRO and let it play the music directly from the stick. Is that possible? 

2023-02-24 06:57:25

I found a library here that refers to USB. If you can get it to work, please do share the sample code here. I am waiting for my DFPlayer in the mail.


userHeadPic Raza Rizvi
Frank.Liessner wrote:

Thank you, I will try it out if I can make it work. It looks like the Lib is made for the dfplayer MINI and not the PRO, but let's see.

2023-02-24 16:34:12
1 Replies