MaQueen Plus with Adafruit Clue/Kittenbot Futureboard

userHead WrenchMine_Rick 2023-02-24 23:31:48 605 Views2 Replies

Hello everyone. I want to use my Kittenbot Futureboard (an ESP32 with micro:bit edge connector) with my MaQueen Plus robot platform. I would like to find documentation on the electrical characteristics of the MaQueen, like a schematic and the pin/addresses of the sensors. Specifically:

- How to control the motors from the Arduino IDE- What pins on the robot side connect to what devices (pin 13 is the ultrasonic sensor)- What are the line following sensors are and what pins are they on- any I2C/SPI sensors and addresses.


Is there any documentation? Has anyone figured it out?



2023-02-28 15:53:16


Micro:Maqueen Plus V2(SKU:MBT0021-EN) is designed for education and for micro-bit only. Sorry for didn't provide detailed information about the sensor. We will attach these information in the future.Thank you very much for your advice.


userHeadPic NeloKin
2023-02-24 23:52:27

So, In writing this post It dawned on me to do a google search for Maqueen Plus and Arduino IDE. Sure enough there is some information on the github site of kd8bxp. Here is a link to their repository.


This looks to contain enough information to get me started. But by all means please to add to the information and/or post your successes with using the MaQueen Plus with other microcontrollers.

userHeadPic WrenchMine_Rick