
AT Command Control Of Player Pro

userHead GaryGranai 2023-02-24 21:41:21 257 Views5 Replies

I want a dfPlayer pro to start playing immediately when it is powered.

I have removed the Prompt.

Currently I use an Arduino Nano with the play on startup sketch.

I would like to eliminate the NANO.

The Wiki indicates the player can be controlled using AT Command Control. I expect that that means an arduino is not required.

What AT Command should I enter to have the player start as soon as it is powered?

Thank you for any help.



2023-03-08 23:42:16

You can try to set play pin to high to start play when it is powered


userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2023-03-08 23:30:53

Hi, I have tried all the ways I found online to remove the “Music” voice prompt - how did you do it please??

userHeadPic simonwhetham
R2D2C3PO wrote:

try this link

2023-03-08 23:44:04
1 Replies
2023-02-28 15:37:22


Yes, you can use AT command to control the Fermion: DFPlayer Pro - A mini MP3 Player.

However, there is no command that can support you to have the player start as soon as it is powered.

You have to use a microcontroller for this function, sorry for that.

userHeadPic NeloKin