HX711 Weight Sensor Kit Issues

userHead Yavanna.Burnham 2023-02-25 22:03:31 308 Views1 Replies

Hi there,


I recently purchased the HX711 weight sensor kit, alongside the I/O expansion shield and the DFRduino UNO R3.


I've constructed the weight sensor kit and connected it to the DFRduino, via the expansion shield.


Unfortunately, I get the error: “The initialisation of the chip is failed, please confirm whether the chip connection is correct” when I try to run any of the example codes for reading weights / calibrating the scales in the IDE.


All three parts are receiving power. I have two expansion shields and swapping them doesn't seem to make a difference. My baud rate is set to 9600. My DFRduino runs test codes such as ‘blink’ fine.  Does anyone have any advice / suggestions if there is anything I can try before I buy and try a new weight sensor kit? 


Hope that all makes sense. This is my first ever project so I'm very new to all this.






2023-02-26 19:02:18

First check whether the SCL SDA of the sensor is correctly connected to the Arduino, then check whether the dipswitch on the module is in the default position, if you adjust the dipswitch position, it will modify the address of the sensor module and lead to a communication failure. Or you can connect the sensor to the Arduino and run the I2C address scanning program to see if you can scan the device with address 0X64~0X67, If the address is not scanned, the sensor is damaged, you can contact DFRobot technical support. https://reference.arduino.cc/reference/en/ libraries/i2cscanner/

userHeadPic Xiao