
Trekking MP3 player with the DFPlayer Pro and headphones??

userHead Lee.Nugent 2023-02-25 22:17:27 145 Views1 Replies

Hi All,


I'm looking at making a MP3 player to go trekking with, i.e. simple MP3 player, (play/pause, next, back, shuffle, maybe shuffle folder/artist,) but with a massive 3000mAh 3.7V battery, so it'll hopefully last 50/60/70+ hours where recharging isn't a possibility.


The DFPlayer Pro looks perfect, maybe with a Seeed XIAO SAMD21 to do any more complex logic (shuffle folder/artist/genre, button inputs).


My questions are:


Each example use of the DFPlayer Pro I've seen has it connected to 3W (4 Ohm) speakers, not headphones. I was trying to avoid a headphone amp because of space and cost

1. Can the speaker out pins be used for headphones? 2. With ampEnabled() I'm assuming output would be too strong, with ampDisabled() too weak?

3. How about the DAC L/R? I'm assuming too weak? 


Battery operated.

4. Can the DFPlayer run straight off a 3.7V LiPo battery, datasheet says: Power Supply: 3.3V~5V so I'm assuming this would be fine, just wanted to confirm?


Many thanks,


2023-02-25 23:01:48

Ok, I'm obviously a bit dumb, I've been looking to some many things I've lost track.


I need a flash card to hold the songs, I'd like more than 128Mb, so the Pro doesn't looking the board for me.


The DFPlayer Mini has the storage I need, the datasheet says DAC_R/L can drive earphone and amp.



Same questions as above probably still apply.


Anyone have experience using the mini with headphones??


Many thanks,


userHeadPic Lee.Nugent