General Gravity

DFRobot 0231 NFC Module help

userHead Joh.Kunkel 2023-02-27 22:40:31 205 Views2 Replies

Hey there community,


I'm currently working on getting abovementioned 0231 module running on an AVR Atmega16A in C.

I am simply attempting to detect the MiFare card that was shipped with the module. But I never get a successful reply from the module, I was only ever able to detect the ACK frame (I am using I²C).

As far as I can tell, my code is correct, I am probably making some sort of error in the communication. I listed out all bytes sent/received in the following, according to the oscilloscope:


START 48 55 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 03 FC D4 14 01 17 00 STOP       (wakeup)

START 48 00 00 FF 04 FC D4 08 63 3C 08 00 STOP                                                                               (Set CIU_Control register to Initiator)

START 48 00 00 FF 04 FC D4 04 02 FC 26 00 STOP                                                                               (Set Power Mode to Normal)

START 48 00 00 FF 03 FD D4 32 01 F9 00 STOP                                                                                     (Set RFConfig, RF always on)

START 48 00 00 FF 04 FC D4 4A 02 00 E0 00 STOP                                                                               (InListPassiveTarget, MxTg=0x02, Type = 0x00, no optional ID field)

START 49 00 STOP                                                                                                                                       (Check for status, multiple times)

START 49 01 00 FF 00 FF 00 STOP                                                                                                            (Command acknowledged)

START 49 00 STOP                                                                                                                                       (this never changes to 49 01, no matter how long I wait or whether card is present or not)


Thanks for your help, pls let me know if you need more information.




2023-02-28 15:41:48


Gravity: UART & I2C NFC Module(SKU:DFR0231-H)

Could you please first try it with our library for Arduino? To test whether the module itself is good or not.

We have just tested the compatibility on these boards and cards, we can not ensure it can work on others.

userHeadPic NeloKin
Joh.Kunkel wrote:



thanks for your reply. I managed to find an arduino and tried out the library there, using your code “Read and Write MIFARE Classic S50 NFC Card with IIC” from , however, same issue, the PN532 acknowledges the command, then returns nothing when being polled for the results, looking like this: START 49 00 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 STOP

2023-02-28 18:55:46
1 Replies