General Arduino

Connecting SEN0311 to PRODINo MKR Zero

userHead Yovel 2023-02-28 15:03:33 254 Views2 Replies

Hey :D


I am trying to use this SEN0311 Ultrasonic sensor 

A02YYUW Waterproof Ultrasonic Sensor Wiki - DFRobot


I want to connect it to this Arduino based board 

PRODINo MKR Zero Ethernet V1 - KMP Electronics Ltd


Does anyone knows if it is possible to connect the sensor to this board?

I saw the example for SEN0311 sensor are using “SoftwareSerial” library which is not supported by the PRODINo 

so I don't really know how to get things running.


Thanks for any helpers 


2023-03-01 10:43:39


A02YYUW Waterproof Ultrasonic Sensor (SKU:SEN0311) use UART communication in TTL protocol. Which means that any device with serial port(TTL protocal) can communicate with this senor.

Could you please check the datasheet of PRODINo MKR Zero, and replace the software serial to a hardware one, and that should work.

Hope it can help.

userHeadPic NeloKin
Yovel wrote:


Yes from what I understand I do have 2 hardware pins that I can use for the sensor.

But what code I should use to operate it?


Thank you 



2023-03-09 22:05:30
1 Replies