Delta 3 BIOS occasionally loses UEFI Boot setting

userHead joeO24 2023-03-04 03:20:09 565 Views2 Replies

My Latte Panda Delta 3 is set to boot from an Ubuntu image. However every ten to twentieth start up, the system goes into a boot loop, because the UEFI value is disabled. I always shut down cleanly, this is not due to a power outage. According to the support download section, my Panda Delta3 has the latest bios. 


I do not have a Windows partition on the EMMC and the Windows boot loader is also deleted. Only the linux GRUB loader is on the system. And most of the time the system boots up using that.


Does anyone else experience this?


2023-04-25 17:32:15


I have the same issue with my LP Delta 3. I solved it by unplugging the power cord and replugging it when it enters the boot loop. 


userHeadPic xingzhao.zhu
2023-03-04 20:44:56

I think you will get a better response if you post this question to lattepanda forum:

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini