1.47" 172×320 IPS LCD Display Module

userHead deepeezie 2023-03-10 01:19:14 221 Views3 Replies

Anyone get this to work? This item does not have a library. The library they link does not include one for this. 

2023-06-21 17:12:32



 What kind of board are you using?  here is our list of supporting MCUs:




Thank you

best regards,

userHeadPic xingzhao.zhu
2023-03-12 04:23:40

Yea, tried that. Also tried adafruit library for 172x320 screen with same specs. Thanks anyways. If anyone can get it to work let me know, thanks.

userHeadPic deepeezie
2023-03-10 10:30:29

The link for this screen is attached below. 


Did you try the sample code? Does it work?

userHeadPic NeloKin