Gravity: 2-Channel I2C DAC Module init error

userHead aaa.kil 2023-03-10 07:05:44 346 Views7 Replies

 installed the DFRobot_GP8403 library through the arduino IDE library manager and uploaded outputData.ino example from the library examples to an arduino UNO and connected 5v and GND and SDA and SCL on pin 16 and 17 - but in serial monitor all I get is “init error” tried multiple arduinos and different dfrobot Gravity: 2-Channel I2C DAC Module boards without success. I2C address is set to the default 0 0 0 address and set in code to the default 0x58.

unsure whats wrong or what else to try
thank you for any pointers

2023-03-16 13:26:38

Maybe you can try to change the I2C address, the following pictures are the result of my operation and connection after changing the I2C address.

userHeadPic Miya.zhang
aaa.kil wrote:

ok - thank you that finally worked - the problem is that the I2C address switches on the DAC board are by default in the “on on on” position and the switch labels and the pcb labels are opposite “on” and 0-1 . thank you

2023-03-16 23:06:50
1 Replies
2023-03-14 00:47:18

circuits images try again


userHeadPic aaa.kil
2023-03-14 00:44:35

images of wiring

userHeadPic aaa.kil
2023-03-14 00:40:49

I am confused why pine 2 and 3 (I assume you mean digital pin 2 and 3 ) The SDA and SCL pins on an arduino UNO are pin 16 and 17 - and or A4 and A5 - so why 2 and 3? also I tried them but also did not work (not sure which one is which for 2 and 3 - SDA 2 and SCL 3 or other way around?)images show the connections I have tried

userHeadPic aaa.kil
2023-03-13 14:01:29

Could you please share your wiring? The default I2c pins are 2 and 3. Could you please change your wiring and try again?

userHeadPic NeloKin
aaa.kil wrote:

Still not sure what I am doing wrong - for getting the init error - trying different SDA and SCL pins on the arduino UNO did not help - I am not sure what you mean with pins 2 and 3 as they are not SDA and SCL pins used for I2C - or what am I missing?

2023-03-15 23:32:57
1 Replies