
How long does it take for something to be shipped out?

userHead Account cancelled 2017-11-10 23:13:37 4425 Views1 Replies
I ordered around 6 things and it has just said "payment received" for 3 days.
2017-11-16 13:58:20 I don't know their usual "wait times" as I've only purchased from them once (quite recently), but I suggest you to be very patient.
In my case I placed my order on October 18, consisting of only two items. The next day (October 19) its status was updated to "Processing" and finally in October 26 -a week later- it was "shipped". I suspect it's slower around Christmas and events (before and after) and their "Black Friday" is around the corner, so I wouldn't be surprised if your order take a little bit more than that.
userHeadPic ezacarias