How to use Huskylens with C code

userHead BUBBLEBOOM 2023-03-28 23:23:29 875 Views1 Replies

I have a project to do which is a robot able to follow a person. I am using an huskylens and the nucleoF303RE. I'm doing the code on STM32CubeIDE. 


The problem is that all the librabry for huskylens are for arduino and all the projects too. 

Can I get some help please?


I already control the motors. What i need now is to get the informations from the camera.


I want to use an UART connection. I want to begin with a simple code to make a led on when the camera see's an object.

2023-06-02 15:34:31

Pls refer to the protocol.

HUSKYLENSArduino/HUSKYLENS at master · HuskyLens/HUSKYLENSArduino · GitHub


Sorry, Huskylens currently only has the ArduinoC library and Python library. You can refer to the protocol of Huskylens and write the STM32CubeIDE supported by the library yourself.



userHeadPic jenna