Use of FIT0701 USB CAMERA module
I bought this Use of FIT0701 USB CAMERA module and want to use it with Raspberry pi 4. My target use is: when a GPIO of the R-pi is triggered from low to high, it can activate this camera module to take one picture.
Do you think this is something applicable to this USB camera module?
- if it is, do you have any examples I can refer to for my project?- if it cannot, do you have any other DFRobot products I can buy to achieve my target?Thank you!You could use the fswebcam to take a photo on the Raspberry Pi.
The FIT0701 is an USB camera after all.
So you could:
1. Use the “lsusb” command to check if your USB camera was install properly.
2. And then input “ls /dev/video” to check your camera's name.
In this example, my USB camera's name is the “/dev/video0”
3. Input “sudo apt-get install fswebcam”
4. Input “fswebcam /dev/video0 image.jpg”, and then you manage to take a photo.
If you want to use python program to take a photo, here's a little demo:
import os
import sys
import re
os.system("fswebcam --no-banner -r 640x480 image.jpg")