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pH Meter V1 & V2: License and schematic

userHead Frederic.Coulombe 2023-05-06 04:25:41 661 Views4 Replies

Hi DFRobot,


I recently bought the pH meter kit. I have two questions which I couldn't answer with the Wiki.


1) What is the license for the schematic of pH meter kit V1 (SEN0161)? MIT license? Public domain?

2) Is the schematic available for pH meter kit V2(SEN0161-V2) ? I cannot find it. Is it open-source or proprietary?


It would be quite nice to add those info on the product page and/or wiki.

Best regards,

2023-06-21 04:29:25

Thank you both of you. I forgot to reply.

userHeadPic Frederic.Coulombe
2023-05-09 23:38:27

I had found the PCB layout here:

But it just the 2D size drawing for the board.

The schematic for the V2 board donot open-source, user could only refer to the V1 schematic.

The basic principles of the two products are the same

userHeadPic Yeez_B
2023-05-08 23:41:20

Here was the PCB layout but the link is not working:


Looks like the module is not open source anymore.

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
Tonny12138 wrote:

Sorry, the link has now been fixed, thanks for your feedback.


2023-05-10 09:58:23
1 Replies