HUSKYLENS Serial Monitor

userHead Georg.Moser 2023-05-06 17:02:57 1020 Views7 Replies

Hi, I have some problems with the serial monitor of my arduino uno thats connectet to an huskylens in UART mode. If I upload the normal HUSKYLENS_GET_STARTED programm to use object tracking my serial monitor just shows some random questionmarks and letters. I have already set the protocol type on the huskylens to auto or serial 9600 multiple times and checked the connection to pin 10 and 11 but nothing seems to work. Does someone have an soloution for this? 


2023-05-12 17:45:04

OK thank you,the problem is solved.

Personal question: are you an Arduino programming expert?I have a problem with Ardcuino-Huskylens communication in use in an autonomous vehicle.

my project on Youtube:UCsU2_F9JlmoM1cUUbBDva0g

can you help ?

userHeadPic luger.luger
Yeez_B wrote:

Maybe because the Forum doesn't allow external links, I can't see your YouTube link.You can send me the name of your YouTube Channel so I can check your project.Although I'm not an Arduino expert, I'm here to help you as much as I can.

2023-05-12 18:15:33
luger.luger wrote:



this project of mine is for now with an ultrasound sensor. I would like to replace the ultrasound with a Huskylens camera. I can't transfer arduino-serial monitor. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Thank you

2023-05-12 21:07:49
Yeez_B wrote:

Yes, I think I managed to find your YouTube channel.

Is that your project? It looks cool.

But I don't think HuskyLens has anything similar to an ultrasonic sensor.

HuskyLens only recognizes objects and gives you feedback, and cannot achieve the obstacle avoidance function in your video. HuskyLens cannot feedback the distance from objects to the lens.


But I think you might be interested in the line tracking function of HuskyLens.

You could find the description of line tracking function in the wikipage of HuskyLens:


If you can describe to me in detail how you use HuskyLens and what problems you encountered, it will help me troubleshoot your issue quickly.

If you need to upload the code about HusyLens, you can upload it to Github for me to download and view.

And I have followed your Youtube Channel, so you could upload a vedio to describe your problem.


2023-05-16 18:04:57
3 Replies
2023-05-11 20:49:58

I have the same problem. Transfer rate increase no change. It still only shows questionmarks and letters

userHeadPic luger.luger
Yeez_B wrote:

The sample code is using the hardware serial to communicate with your PC. So you need to init the hardware serial in the same baudrate with the serial monitor.


2023-05-11 23:55:56
1 Replies
2023-05-08 13:56:12


If you are using the example program, the default BAUD rate is 115200. The 9600 rate is for the soft serial connection between the board and the Huskylens, not for the serial monitor selected in the Arduino IDE.


userHeadPic xingzhao.zhu