Inquiries about using SKU:SEN0492
I recently purchased the SKU:SEN0492 sensor, and I have some questions about this.
I'm using a sensor and RS485 to usb module to test it before it's actually used.
I wrote Python code that fetches distance data once a second, and there is a problem when I execute it.
At first, I get the data well, but there is a problem that the value of the data is fixed from a certain point in time. When I move the laser, it is fixed to any value, so the value does not change.
Below is an example distance value.
200mm, 10mm, 399mm ...... 12mm, 15mm, 15mm, 15mm, 15mm, 15mm, 15mm ......
I don't know at what point or which of these problems arise. Is it a code problem? Or is it a hardware problem?
Can you tell me the cause of the problem? I attached my code together.
Please give me any details or explanations on these matters.
import serial
import time
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyLaser', baudrate=115200, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS,
parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, timeout=1)
slave_address1 = 0x50
function_code1 = 0x03
register_address_high1 = 0x00
register_address_low1 = 0x34
read_length_high1 = 0x00
read_length_low1 = 0x01
crc_check_high1 = 0xC8
crc_check_low1 = 0x45
request_data1 = bytes([slave_address1, function_code1, register_address_high1, register_address_low1,
read_length_high1, read_length_low1, crc_check_high1, crc_check_low1])
response_length1 = 7
response_data1 = None
def crc16(data):
crc = 0xFFFF
for b in data:
crc ^= b
for _ in range(8):
if crc & 0x0001:
crc >>= 1
crc ^= 0xA001
crc >>= 1
return crc.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')
while True:
data1 =
if len(data1) == response_length1:
crc_high1, crc_low1 = crc16(data1[:-2])
if crc_high1 == data1[-2] and crc_low1 == data1[-1]:
response_data1 = data1
if response_data1:
slave_address1, function_code1, data_length1, data_high1, data_low1, crc_high1, crc_low1 = response_data1
data_value1 = (data_high1 << 8) + data_low1
print(f"Response data1 (hex): {' '.join(f'{b:02X}' for b in response_data1)}")
print(f"Slave address1: 0x{hex(slave_address1)[2:].zfill(2)}")
print(f"Function code1: 0x{hex(function_code1)[2:].zfill(2)}")
print(f"Data length1: 0x{hex(data_length1)[2:].zfill(2)}")
print(f"Data value1: 0x{hex(data_value1)[2:].zfill(4)}")
print(f"Data value1: {int(hex(data_value1), 16)}")
print(f"CRC1: {' '.join(f'{b:02X}' for b in [crc_high1, crc_low1])}")
print("Failed to receive sensor data.")
print("Waiting for data...")
I have exactly the same behavior. Do you have a solution for this issue?
This laser range sensor detects objects in a range of 4400cm with a resolution of 2cm. With three measurement modes offered, it is well suited to a variety of detecting applications such as security gate retro bowl detection.
Mike.AlleyIt runs on 5V36V and has an industrial 485 chip that supports the Modbus-RTU protocol and works well with other <a href="">retro bowl</a> industrial 485 devices.
The data will be unstable when measuring black objects. Have you changed the setting of the sensor? Could you pls upload the Hex data? For example: 50 03 02 07 0B 06 7F