
Speech Synthesis Module V2.0 English voice randomly switches

userHead groundlevel 2023-05-18 03:47:52 534 Views7 Replies

Looking for some Help, I'm not sure why the new V2.0 Module randomly switches from the English speaking voice to the Chinese voice. I never had this issue with the V1.0 Module.

2023-05-20 01:53:59



It is working for some of my speech phrases, but how do i implement this for the text that is parsed from OpenWeather API and stored in a Char Buffer like this Arduino code snippet.


               Serial.printf("OW ALERT: %s\n", OWOC.alert->summary);                debugln("--------------------------------------------------------------");                sprintf(owAlrtSmryowAlrtSmry, "%s\n", OWOC.alert->summary);                                  ss.speak(F(" [g2]the ALERT Summary is"));                ss.speak(F(owAlrtSmry));



Bryan H

userHeadPic groundlevel
2023-05-18 09:46:22

If you do not force the language to be set to English, you need to pay attention to whether you let the Module speak a more complicated word, or the pronunciation of this word is similar to some Chinese. This may lead to the misrecognition of the Module

userHeadPic Yeez_B
groundlevel wrote:

Hi Yeez B

This was causing me to scratch my head. 

Thanks for the detailed Info


Bryan H

2023-05-20 01:27:09
1 Replies
2023-05-18 09:32:25



If you are using Arduino IDE, there is a setting that set the speech-language.

A detailed explanation can be found here :


Have a nice day,


userHeadPic xingzhao.zhu
xingzhao.zhu wrote:

I have tested an example code, adding [g2] in front of the dialogue can force the module to pronounce numbers in english.

2023-05-18 17:56:36
groundlevel wrote:



I understand now how to prevent this. The details and Info helped greatly along with the provided example.



Bryan H

2023-05-20 01:30:35
2 Replies