General Raspberry Pi

Turn on-board LED completely off

userHead Christian.v. Schoenebeck 2023-06-12 03:06:28 530 Views3 Replies

Hello there,


I own a DFPlayer Mini as well as a Pro. Both come with an LED on board, which is on while playing a track.


Is it also possible to turn the LED completely off?

It doesn't look good with the rest of the lighting of my project (Model Titanic). Or should I just use a black tape on top of it?

2023-06-13 18:18:44

Black tape seems to be the only feasible option.

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
2023-06-13 02:09:24

You could try black tape.

userHeadPic jenna
2023-06-12 07:02:14

There should be an option called "Goodnight LED" under PCI or something, go through BIOS to find it. Turning that option on will turn off the power/reset/hdd leds on your case

I just checked my BIOS and there's no option to turn off the case LEDs (power/hdd lights) (my old ASUS motherboard had the option to turn off power/hdd lights after booting so I was probably remembering that)

There is an option to turn off RGB on the motherboard itself (one option is the in RGB section of BIOS, then there's a second section in "Tools" that let's you turn off the RGB or select what pattern it uses if you want it on)

userHeadPic saal.aka