GDI integration into PCB and Teensy 4.1

userHead Aron.Derksen 2023-06-14 05:06:58 198 Views1 Replies

I am trying to integrate a the GDI connector into a PCB to simplify hardware setup. If I understand it correctly the GDI connector just connects a SPI and I2C bus and also has power connections. Is there any documentation on this system? What pitch is the FPC connector? Does anyone have any tips for putting this onto a PCB with a teensy microcontroller?

2023-06-14 10:05:34

There is a GDI interface on FireBeetle_Board_ESP32_E. 

PIN pitch: 0.5mm

This interface is a DFRbot dedicated GDI display interface for connecting a screen using an 18pin-FPC wire. At the same time, you can consider GDL cables of different lengths in the DFRobot store.



userHeadPic jenna