Disable RTC module on the DFR0327 (Arduino Shield for RPi)

userHead Wakko 2023-06-14 03:49:57 216 Views5 Replies

Witti Pi 3 rev2 HAT is already installed on my Raspberry Pi (https://www.uugear.com/product/witty-pi-3-realtime-clock-and-power-management-for-raspberry-pi/). This shield is used for Raspberry Pi power management. This shield also contains a DS3231 RTC that uses the 0x68 address on the I2C bus. This address cannot be changed.


Now I additionally plan to install the Arduino Shield for Raspberry Pi (DFR0327) on the same Raspberry Pi. The RTC module DS1307 will conflict with the existing DS3231 module, because it has the same I2C address 0x68.


How can I completely disable the DS1307 RTC module on the DFR0327 board?

Maybe there is an opportunity to cut it off from the I2C bus?

Unsolder something, or cut some tracks on the DFR0327 board.


Or maybe there is an opportunity to change the I2C bus id of the DFR0327 board from 1 to 2?

2023-06-14 13:58:44

There is a battery interface on the DFR0327. 

If the battery is not connected, can the Raspberry Pi detect the I2C address?


userHeadPic jenna
Wakko wrote:

Unfortunately, I don't have a Witty Py or a DFR0327 card on hand yet. Therefore, I can't check the battery option yet.If you look at the circuit board https://github.com/Arduinolibrary/DFRobot_Arduino_Expansion_Shield_for_Raspberry_Pi_B_plus/raw/master/Raspberry%20B%2B%20Meet%20Arduino.pdf , then in my opinion it is enough to unsolder the 8-th pin (+5V) of the U1 chip (DS1307). Or I can do something radical, and completely unsolder the entire U1 chip.I wanted to clarify in advance, maybe someone has already solved this problem.

2023-06-15 04:58:40
jenna wrote:

Ok, I'll test it for you and tell you the possibilities later.

2023-06-15 09:31:47
xingzhao.zhu wrote:

Hello Wakko,

I have tested the DFR0327 without the battery. The Raspberry Pi can still read the IIC address. I haven't known anyone that has unsoldered the chip yet. 


But the schematic should be like this:










2023-06-19 14:45:11
3 Replies
2023-06-14 07:11:26

I was looking for the PCB layout but could not find one. I think now the only option is to use a multimeter. You have to find the traces connecting the DS1307 module to the I2C bus. And then you have to cut them. 

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini