
DFR0669 Touch Scrren Display Driver for STM32

userHead Tech.Nic 2023-06-14 15:43:46 322 Views2 Replies


I'm currently working with DFR0669 in combination with STM32WB microcontroler. I wonder is there anyone that is able to share the driver for the touch controller, GT911 and display controller, ILI9488 on STM32/or have any experience with it on STM32. 

Thanks in advance. 


2023-06-17 19:54:54
userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
2023-06-17 19:54:33

Regarding ILI9488 you can follow this video. You can also post your question to the STM32 forum. 


userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini