Firmware is missing `analogSetVRefPin()`

userHead nsandler 2023-06-15 06:21:06 259 Views6 Replies

The Firebeetle firmware appears to be outdated compared to the latest ESP32 firmware release. Is there a way to update our boards? If so, could I be pointed towards some resources on how to do this? What I really want is to use the function analogSetVRefPin() which is not included with the current firmware, but is included with the latest release. If there's a way to have access to that function without needing to update the board's firmware, that'd be good too. 



2023-06-15 10:44:30

I tried this function and it can be compiled successfully in the software. Are you having trouble calibrating the ADC during use? Hope for more details.

userHeadPic jenna
nsandler wrote:

Yes, I've been having trouble calibrating the ADC on the ESP32. I'm trying to get the ADC on the ESP32 to mimic the ADC on the atmega328p (MCU of the Arduino Uno) for a project I made for the atmega328p that I'd like to get working on the ESP32. The ADC on the atmega328p uses the input voltage as the reference voltage by default which is usually 5V and I'd like to set a pin on the ESP32 that is receiving 5V to be the reference pin. I tried to do so using the analogSetVRefPin() but it doesn't exist for my board (image below).I notice that you're using “ESP32 Dev Module” not the FireBeelte. Does that board work with the FireBeetle? If so, could you provide the url for the board manager?

2023-06-16 04:05:10
jenna wrote:

pls try this URL.

2023-06-16 10:14:18
2 Replies
2023-06-15 10:01:47

Follow up: I can't seem to even find any indication of what the reference voltage is for the FireBeetle board. Any information regarding this or the original post would be greatly appreciated.

userHeadPic nsandler
bidrohini.bidrohini wrote:

You can also post this question to the esp32 forum. They can provide the most authentic info about firmware upgradation. 

2023-06-15 20:25:23
jenna wrote:

Pls refer to the wiki. The ADC reference voltage of ESP32 is 3.3V.  



The difference between Firebeetle ESP32 board and ESP32 dev module is that Firebeetle ESP32 has pin mapping for arduinoIDE, such as D9/io2.

2023-06-16 10:40:29
2 Replies