functions of the pins of microbit on maqueen robot

userHead Matias.Melgarejo 2023-06-15 20:15:13 475 Views5 Replies

What are the functions of each pin on the micro:bit in the Maqueen robot? I want to program the Maqueen robot from a platform other than Microsoft's micro:bit, and I need to know the functions of the pins in order to write the code.

Is this information right?

P0 and P1: These pins are used for controlling the left and right motor direction. You can set them to high or low to control the direction of movement.

P2: This pin is connected to the buzzer on the Maqueen robot. By sending a PWM signal to this pin, you can control the buzzer to produce different sounds or tones.

P8: This pin is connected to the infrared (IR) receiver on the Maqueen robot. It allows you to receive signals from the remote control provided with the robot.

P12: This pin is connected to the RGB LED on the Maqueen robot. You can use this pin to control the color and brightness of the LED.

P13 and P14: These pins are connected to the ultrasonic sensor on the Maqueen robot. They are used for sending and receiving ultrasonic waves to measure distances.

P16: This pin is connected to the line-following sensors on the Maqueen robot. It provides digital readings for detecting black or white lines on the surface.

P19 and P20: These pins are used for I2C communication with external devices, such as sensors or expansion modules.

2023-06-16 10:52:43

Is it this product?

Or maqueen plus?

userHeadPic jenna
Matias.Melgarejo wrote:

is the first one


2023-06-17 03:46:38
1 Replies
2023-06-15 21:00:54

Actually that information is from chat gpt, i read the documentation, but did not find any information

userHeadPic Matias.Melgarejo
2023-06-15 20:45:50

Hi, did you find these pin functions by yourself or following any documentation?

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
2023-06-15 20:28:07

userHeadPic Matias.Melgarejo