
DFPlayer - Serial receiving error (a frame has not been received completely yet)

userHead Delta.Pie 2023-07-04 01:46:56 474 Views1 Replies

Hi, I have been recently working on a project including the DFPlayer Mini, and I am running into some trouble with the following error: Serial receiving error(a frame has not been received completely yet) 

This is coming from the printError() function in the DFPlayerMini_Fast library.

I get a similar error if I use the DFRobotDFPlayerMini library: SerialWrongStack Error

Not sure what is wrong, I have it wired the same as the diagram on the wiki:


Both of these errors occur when I try to start playing music by pressing the play/pause button


Thanks for any help/suggestions.



Here is the entirety of my code, it adds code for rotary encoder and LCD:


#include <FireTimer.h>

#include <DFPlayerMini_Fast.h>

// include the library code:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

// Rotary Encoder Inputs
#define CLK 2
#define DT 3
#define SW 12

// initialize the library by associating any needed LCD interface pin
// with the arduino pin number it is connected to
const int rs = 11, en = 10, d4 = 7, d5 = 6, d6 = 5, d7 = 4;
LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);

// Create the Player object
DFPlayerMini_Fast  player;

//this is so that we can declare the LCD_Update method properly
void LCD_Update(String lineone, String linetwo="");

String currentLCDline1 = "Loading.........";
String currentLCDline2 = "#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#";

//Stores current play/pause state (starts paused)
int playpause = 0;
//number of files in sd card
int FILENUM = 0;
//starts instead of resumes if its our first time
bool firstStart = true;
//stores last button press type
int lastSwitchState =0;
//for long press/short press code
long buttonStartTime = 0;
long longPressTime = 250;

bool wasJustPressed = false;

//rotary encoder
int clkPinLast = LOW;
int clkPinCurrent = LOW;

///methods needed to be used in start=====================================================================

//updates LCD to lineone, with the ability to change line two as well
void LCD_UpDate(String lineone,String linetwo="")
 currentLCDline1 = lineone;
 if(linetwo != "")
   currentLCDline2 = linetwo;
   currentLCDline2 = linetwo;


void setup() {
 // Init USB serial port for debugging
 Serial.println("Setting up");
 // Set encoder pins as inputs
 pinMode(CLK, INPUT);
 pinMode(DT, INPUT);
 pinMode(SW, INPUT);
 // Init serial port for DFPlayer Mini
 //initialize the music player

//main loop===========================================================================================
void loop() 
 //check rotary encoder (button and all)
//  //Serial.println("Playing");
//  //check dfrobot 
//  if (player.available()) {
//    //update SD player
//    printDetailAndUpdateSong(player.readType(),;
//  }

 //update lcd with our strings

//lcdplay innitilization
void Innit_LCD()
 // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
 lcd.begin(16, 2);

//sd card player functions
void Innit_SDPlayer()
 // Start communication with DFPlayer Mini
 if (player.begin(Serial1, true))
   //set timeout for communication
   LCD_UpDate("SD Innitalized");
   FILENUM = player.numSdTracks();
   // Set volume range (0 to 30). some day maybe have a long press for the SW allow this volume to be changed...
 } else {
   Serial.println("Connecting to DFPlayer Mini failed!");
   //display on LCD
   LCD_UpDate("SD Player Failed");

//play or pause player
void playPauseSD()
 if(playpause == 0)
     firstStart = false;
   playpause = 1;
   playpause = 0;


//=================================Rotary Encoder methods========================================================
void updateEncoder(){
int switchState = digitalRead(SW);

//button code
if (switchState == HIGH&& switchState != lastSwitchState) {
 wasJustPressed = true;
 //was pressed, lets start counting how long it is held down.
 buttonStartTime = millis(); //this is okay because this wont run unti, there is a low and then high again (another button press)
else if(switchState == LOW)
 long endtime = millis();
 //button was either just released or never pressed, so lets check to see which it is
   //look at how long it was held down, if its a short press play/pause the music (stop - start = time elapsed0
   if((endtime-buttonStartTime) < longPressTime)
      //short press code
           //play or pause
           if(playpause == 0){
                 currentLCDline1 = ".....Paused.....";
                 currentLCDline2 = "";
     }else if(playpause == 1){
         currentLCDline1 = "Playing from SD";
         currentLCDline2 = ("Num: "+String(player.currentSdTrack())+"/"+FILENUM);
     //long press code
     Serial.println("Pressed for over longPressTime milliseconds");
lastSwitchState = switchState;

//make sure that we are not paused
 if(playpause == 1){
 clkPinCurrent = digitalRead(CLK);

 if ((clkPinLast == LOW) && (clkPinCurrent == HIGH)) {
   if (digitalRead(DT) == HIGH) {
     //change song forward
     //display on lCD
     currentLCDline1 = "Playing from SD";
     currentLCDline2 = ("Num: "+String(player.currentSdTrack())+"/"+FILENUM);
   else {
     //change song backward
     //display on lCD
     currentLCDline1 = "Playing from SD";
     currentLCDline2 = ("Num: "+String(player.currentSdTrack())+"/"+FILENUM);

 clkPinLast = clkPinCurrent;



2023-07-04 16:06:34

I think you didnot use the official library provide by the DFRobot.

DFRobot official libaray is on this Github:


And this library didnot have the printError() function.



You could refer to this wiki for the detail usage:

userHeadPic Yeez_B