
Error with current sensor error

userHead Asier.Iglesias 2023-07-17 21:38:23 226 Views11 Replies

I have the following code, where I have 2 equal sensors and a multiplexer, the thing is that each sensor independently together with the multiplexer work correctly. But when I put the 2 sensors at the same time 1 stops working (always the first one). I do not understand why, the sensors have different I2C addresses.




#include <Wire.h>

#include <DFRobot_I2C_Multiplexer.h>

#include <DFRobot_INA219.h>


DFRobot_I2C_Multiplexer I2CMultiplexer(&Wire, 0x70);

DFRobot_INA219_IIC sensb(&Wire, INA219_I2C_ADDRESS4);  

DFRobot_INA219_IIC sensc(&Wire, INA219_I2C_ADDRESS3);

float ina219Reading_mA = 1000;

float extMeterReading_mA = 1000;

void setup() {







  Serial.println("Scan ready!");

    sensc.linearCalibrate(ina219Reading_mA, extMeterReading_mA);

    sensb.linearCalibrate(ina219Reading_mA, extMeterReading_mA);


  for (uint8_t port = 0; port < 8; port++) {


    Serial.print("Port: ");


    uint8_t *dev = I2CMultiplexer.scan(port);

    while (*dev) {

      Serial.print("  I2C addr ");








void loop() {



   Serial.print("Corriente (B):   ");

  Serial.print(sensb.getCurrent_mA(), 1);





  Serial.print("Corriente (C):   ");

  Serial.print(sensc.getCurrent_mA(), 1);







2023-07-18 14:08:12



pls refer to this example.


DFRobot_I2C_Multiplexer/examples/multiSsd1306/multiSsd1306.ino at main · DFRobot/DFRobot_I2C_Multiplexer (


  * @param port - Select channel, range: 0 - 8  * @n 0-7 for enabling the corresponding channel separately, 8 for disabling all channels   * @note When“multiple multiplexer modules” are used on one I2C bus to connect “sensors with same I2C address”, to avoid conflicts,    * @n it is necessary to ensure that “the currently used channel” is the only enabled one among “all channels in all multiplexers”   * @n For instance, when one of the channels in the first multiplexer is enabled, in order to use any channel in the second multiplexer,    * @n please make sure that the channels in the first multiplexer are all disabled.

userHeadPic jenna
Asier.Iglesias wrote:

Hey, I have seen your message, in my case I have a single multiplexer and 3 sensors (Wattmeter) with 3 different I2C addresses (x45, x44 and x41). Separately they work without problem, the thing is that when I put the 3 together they go crazy, the voltage gives me well but the current does not. The wiring and the equipment I want to measure is correct, the problem is in my code but I do not see the error.  What can I do?I also tried the advice you gave me to select port 8 before switching to another port.

2023-07-18 20:08:48
Asier.Iglesias wrote:

Here is an image of what I get in the terminal. The voltage is correct but the current is not.Sorry for the inconvenience 

2023-07-18 20:12:53
jenna wrote:



1. Maybe you can try not adding the I2C multiplexer and set the addresses of the three sensors to 40,41and 44. Then connect the sensor directly to the board.




2.pls try this code.

2023-07-19 11:24:04
Asier.Iglesias wrote:

with a portoboard if the 3 sensors work at the same time, then the failure is the multiplexer thank you very much, I hope they put an update or something to the library for q go headache that has given me hahaha. Thank you very much.

2023-07-19 18:46:46
jenna wrote:


The second code uses three sensors and a multiplexer, I recommend you try both. Looking forward to your feedback. If it's still not resolved, I'll try it.



2023-07-20 09:34:09
Asier.Iglesias wrote:

Hi again Jenna, I really don't know what I would do without your help hahaha. It seems that my fault is that in the void Setup I only initialized one port. Thanks to your code I have been able to see that it is necessary to do it with each and every one of them. Thank you very much for the help, now I can measure everything correctly, now I just have to calibrate and that's it :) thank you

2023-07-20 19:21:08
6 Replies
2023-07-17 22:55:06

Some other people faced the same issue with multiple INA219 current sensors. Some found solutions too. I am posting some links that may help you:

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
Asier.Iglesias wrote:

Hey, thanks for the link, I have been reading and something similar happens to me, since the sensors (with different addresses x45, x44 and x41) separately work fine. But when I put them all in the multiplexer they go crazy. I don't see what I'm doing wrong. Here I leave an example of the answers, (the voltage reads well but the current does not).

2023-07-18 20:11:49
Asier.Iglesias wrote:

with a portoboard if the 3 sensors work at the same time, then the failure is the multiplexer thank you very much, I hope they put an update or something to the library for q go headache that has given me hahaha. Thank you very much.

2023-07-19 18:46:18
bidrohini.bidrohini wrote:

I think DG408 solves the same purpose. But could not find an Arduino library for this:

2023-07-20 01:44:13
3 Replies