Maqueen V2 Ultrasonic Sensor does not work

userHead Hye.Han 2023-07-24 15:06:43 522 Views2 Replies

Since yesterday, the ultrasonic sensor of the marquee car has not been working in the make code.


Even when my colleague tested it in a different environment, the ultrasonic sensor doesn't work, just with the crying face and the number 914.


Why is this problem happening?

2023-07-24 23:03:31

You can post this to the make code forum.

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
2023-07-24 18:20:16



1. Please check the battery power to avoid errors caused by insufficient power.



2. Could you upload other programs to Microbit? Have you tried replacing the Microbit?



3. Please update the version of the library and try the code again.

userHeadPic jenna