
Radar mmwave 0395 / Arduino / Processing = different baud rates?

userHead Arl.Lette 2023-08-23 08:50:04 490 Views2 Replies


I am new to this forum and would like some assistance with the following problem

1. on the Mac I use a processing script which controls an internal video.

- For this application I have to use the baud rate 9600.

2. this video shall be controlled again by the external DFROBOT radar sensor "mmwave sen0395" via an Arduin-UNO.

- For this application I have to use the baud rate 115200

- the sensor I have with the Arduino UNO sample code from this tutorial:

tested. This works fine on its own.

Now when I integrate the sensor via Arduino into the processing script accordingly, the radar sensor is not read.

My guess is that the baud rate of the Arduino of 115200 is not compatible with the baud rate of the Processing-Script of 9600?

Can anyone help me further?

Thousand thanks


2023-08-24 07:35:11

thank you so much for your advice. now it works as simple script. i tried to integrate it into my project which works with arduino and processing. i tested it with a button and a controlling led which has to give an impulse to processing to play a movie. so far everyting worked perfect. now i replaced the button with the radar and it doesn't work anymore. only the led works, but not the movie. somehow the signal doesn't geht to the movie, which i don't think is logical. maybe it has something to do with the two different baud rates? here is the arduino script and the function of processing. does anybody have an idea, why it doesn't work anymore?

thanks for help


userHeadPic Arl.Lette
2023-08-23 17:40:29

You could change the hardware serial(USB for Arduino) into 9600 baud rate

The “Serial” is the serial port that the Arduino communicate to your PC.

And the “MySerial” is the serial port that the Arduino to the mmWave sensor

userHeadPic Yeez_B