
Gravity: I2C 16x2 Arduino LCD with RGB Backlight Display V2.0 Backlight fails

userHead Frans.Killian 2023-08-26 02:56:09 273 Views2 Replies


I'm using the Gravity LCD with RGB backlight on a project. I built and programmed the prototype with the V1.0 display and it works fine. 

Now I just received 20 of the new V2.0 display. The backlight does not work on any of them in my project. The characters do appear but the background stays dark. 

Has the firmware been changed? How can I get the new displays RGB background to work?



2023-08-28 09:38:07

Please delete your library and re-install it from the Github again:


The library just been updated five days ago.

userHeadPic Yeez_B
Frans.Killian wrote:

Thank you. The beautiful display works great now.


Not only needed the new library, also had to put the new RGB I2C adress 0x2D in DFRobot_RGBLCD1602 lcd(0x2D,16,2);



2023-08-29 00:23:00
1 Replies