Ring 1D 2D QR code scanner

userHead 1Platform.Technologies 2023-10-03 04:08:14 331 Views4 Replies

I bought Ring 1D 2D QR code scanner and connected to Arduino using I2C communication, also installed the DFRobot_GM60 Library but the scanner doesn't work. I tried UART communication as well but no luck. So, I uploaded the examples provided by the library detect_i2c and detect_uart, both weren't working. 3 months ago I had the same kind of QR code working perfectly fine and never looked into it but all of sudden when I tried to scan it wasn't scanning, I thought scanner gone bad so, I bought the new one and to my surprise same problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

2023-11-17 22:27:05

Have you checked the Arduino board separately? There may be some problems with its I2C pins. 

userHeadPic lia.ifat
2023-11-17 20:24:56

Hello there,


I have the same problem, ¿Did you find a solution?



userHeadPic ElectroNIKO
2023-10-07 16:03:02

Hi, there is an I2C/UART switch on the board. Are you double-checking that turn the DIP switch of the adapter board to I2C and then burn the I2C code?

userHeadPic Afra
1Platform.Technologies wrote:

Hi, Thank you for the reply, yes, I was checking the switch and making sure that it is on the I2C. Even tried on UART side and uploaded the UART code but no luck. Thank you.

2023-10-08 22:48:03
1 Replies