DFR0971 not responding to commands on Arduino Uno

userHead Tike.Luis 2023-10-14 08:50:30 270 Views1 Replies

I have an Arduino Uno and 3 different DFR0971 DACs. I tried code from all possible documentations, DFRWiki, Github, and tried all different I2C addresses on all 3 boards and they keep outputting 10V on Vout1 and 5V on Vout0. Nothing changing. Serial Monitor is not even telling me connection failed. I tried hexadecimal and normal values for voltage. DAC range doesnt change either. Please help!


#include <DFRobot_GP8403.h>


DFRobot_GP8403 dac1(0x58);


void setup() {









void loop() {



2023-10-14 22:10:42

I can see that in your code, you are not printing anything on the serial monitor. The loop function is empty. The serial.print() function is called nowhere. 

userHeadPic lia.ifat