
sci daq module firmware update failed

userHead Martin.Loder 2023-10-20 21:32:43 179 Views4 Replies



I followed the instructions for the firmware update in the sci daq module wiki step by step, but the update doesn't start.


After dragging the .uf2 file on the RPI-RP2 drive, nothing happens. The screen stays black.

After a while I restarted the sci daq and checked the version number: It is still V1.0.1 and not V1.0.3


Is the boot loader malfunctioning? 

Appreciate your support.


tx Martin

2023-11-02 10:27:26

Under normal circumstances, after copying the uf2 file to the RPI-RP2 drive, the RPI-RP2 drive will close directly, and then a 15.8M "U drive" will pop up. Make sure the firmware is downloaded from this link If you are still having problems, you can record a video and send it to [email protected]. They will fix the problem for you!

userHeadPic Xiao
2023-10-31 10:57:48

I have never had the same problem as you.What is your computer system? Are you able to upload the firmware with Windows 10/11?

userHeadPic Yeez_B
Martin.Loder wrote:

I have tried it on my workstation and my notebook - both on WIN11.I also gave it a try on my Linux Mint notebook.I can see the copied .uf2 file on the RPI-RP2 drive but nothing happens, the boot loader doesn‘t start on the sci daq module. OLED screen stays dark.

2023-11-01 17:13:32
1 Replies
2023-10-30 16:36:03

I thought maybe my sci dac module was faulty because it would not update the firmware and so I bought another one.


But the new one showed the same inability to update.


DFROBOT, would you please comment on that.

userHeadPic Martin.Loder