Help Request for Bluno Mega's BLE connection

Hello Everyone,
I am a curious mechanical engineer works in aquaculture sector, who has nothing more than wiring in automation/programming.
I bought following items:
Bluno Mega 2560 - Arduino Mega 2560 Compatible - Bluetooth 4.0
Gravity: Analog Dissolved Oxygen Sensor / Meter Kit for Arduino
Waterproof DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor for Arduino
and Nextion HMI from somewhere else and in the attached files i created a box to follow up the temp and DO situation in the fish transportation tanks.
I successfully be able to monitor DO and temperature data and send it to HMI with following code:
I can monitor serial monitor data with USB connection but i need to read serial monitor data by a mobile phone connection.
When I connect with a program generally i get a UUID configuratiob is not correct error.
I would like to connect to a phone and log the incoming data on it. Could someone can assist me for me to overcome this situation.
If there are any alternatives, I am open to suggestions.
Kind Regards,
Thanks In Advance.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include <Nextion.h>
#include "NexNumber.h" // Include the library for Nextion's NexNumber component
#define DO_PIN A1
#define VREF 5000 // VREF (mV)
#define ADC_RES 1024 // ADC Resolution
// Create objects for the DS18B20 temperature sensor
OneWire oneWire(2); // Use digital pin 2 for the DS18B20 sensor
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
// Constants for calibration
#define CAL1_V 131 // mV
#define CAL1_T 25 // °C
#define CAL2_V 1300 // mV
#define CAL2_T 15 // °C
const uint16_t DO_Table[41] = {
14460, 14220, 13820, 13440, 13090, 12740, 12420, 12110, 11810, 11530,
11260, 11010, 10770, 10530, 10300, 10080, 9860, 9660, 9460, 9270,
9080, 8900, 8730, 8570, 8410, 8250, 8110, 7960, 7820, 7690,
7560, 7430, 7300, 7180, 7070, 6950, 6840, 6730, 6630, 6530, 6410};
NexNumber n0 = NexNumber(0, 4, "n0"); // Define NexNumber object for DO on page 0, ID 1, and object name "n0"
NexNumber n1 = NexNumber(0, 5, "n1"); // Define NexNumber object for temperature on page 0, ID 2, and object name "n1"
uint8_t Temperaturet;
uint16_t ADC_Raw;
uint16_t ADC_Voltage;
uint16_t DO;
int16_t readDO(uint32_t voltage_mv, uint8_t temperature_c) {
uint16_t V_saturation = (uint32_t)CAL1_V + (uint32_t)35 * temperature_c - (uint32_t)CAL1_T * 35;
return (voltage_mv * DO_Table[temperature_c] / V_saturation);
uint16_t V_saturation = (int16_t)((int8_t)temperature_c - CAL2_T) * ((uint16_t)CAL1_V - CAL2_V) / ((uint8_t)CAL1_T - CAL2_T) + CAL2_V;
return (voltage_mv * DO_Table[temperature_c] / V_saturation);
void updateDO(void *ptr) {
uint32_t DO;
n0.getValue(&DO); // Get the value from the NexNumber object n0
DO /= 100; // Divide DO value by 100
// Process the received DO value (if needed)
// Update DO value in your Arduino code
void updateTemperature(void *ptr) {
uint32_t Temperaturet;
n1.getValue(&Temperaturet); // Get the value from the NexNumber object n1
// Process the received temperature value (if needed)
// Update temperature value in your Arduino code
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Serial monitor
Serial2.begin(9600); // Serial communication with the HMI display
n0.attachPop(updateDO); // Attach a callback function for updating DO value
n1.attachPop(updateTemperature); // Attach a callback function for updating temperature value
// Initialize the DS18B20 temperature sensor
void loop() {
// Request temperature data from the DS18B20 sensor
// Read the temperature in Celsius from the sensor
float temperatureC = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
// Ensure the temperature reading is valid (not an error value)
if (temperatureC != DEVICE_DISCONNECTED_C) {
// Use the temperature reading for DO measurements
Temperaturet = (uint8_t)temperatureC;
// Read the analog value from the DO sensor on A1
ADC_Raw = analogRead(DO_PIN);
ADC_Voltage = (uint32_t)VREF * ADC_Raw / ADC_RES;
DO = readDO(ADC_Voltage, Temperaturet);
DO /= 100; // Divide DO value by 100
// Send data to the HMI display to update temperature and DO values as numeric values
// Print the results to the serial monitor
Serial.print("Temperaturet:\t" + String(Temperaturet) + "\t");
Serial.print("ADC RAW:\t" + String(ADC_Raw) + "\t");
Serial.print("ADC Voltage:\t" + String(ADC_Voltage) + "\t");
Serial.println("DO:\t" + String(DO) + "\t");
} else {
// Handle the case where the temperature reading is invalid
Serial.println("Error: Temperature reading from DS18B20 is invalid.");
// You can decide how to handle the error, e.g., use a default value.
Temperaturet = 25; // Default temperature in °C
delay(2000); // Update the display every second