
Sensor color confusion

userHead Mark.Walhberg 2023-11-23 10:37:09 195 Views1 Replies

I am currently utilizing the AS7341 Visible Light Sensor for my project. To test the sensor's capabilities, I have printed out various color papers. 
However, I have noticed that when I use the color red, the sensor often mistakes it for orange. 
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or recommendations to address this issue.

2023-11-28 14:00:55

My guess is your program (either yours or some demo program) just has a fixed table with what combinations of the sensor values give which colour. If you have a setup with a particular ambient light, it kind of needs calibration. You should tell your system what colour each paper is. And your system would set up a lookup table according to that. After that, the system could recognise any colour.

userHeadPic Johan_Ha