
Audio Shield For DFRduino M0 & DFRduino M0

userHead anonymous 2017-12-07 22:10:05 2414 Views2 Replies
Where can I find the WAV library used in the product wiki for the DFR0420?
The preference file for the Arduino IDE in the product wiki for the DFR0392 shows a board Bluno M3 not what is shown in the wiki as Bluno M0 & DFRduino M0 Mainboard, where due I get the correct development environment; or is the wiki wrong?

Thank you
2017-12-14 15:14:01 Hi,
Thank you for pointing out the problem, we have change the .json file.
userHeadPic robert.chen
2017-12-13 06:49:32 Okay I found the M0 board files: ... index.json.

Now do I want to use M0 or M3?

There is a WAV library in the nucDuino package but not in BlueM3, so I guess the wiki is wrong!
userHeadPic anonymous