SEN0343 Pressure Sensor details of operation

in the DFRobot_LWLP.cpp:
There is a function configChip that sends 0xAA, 0x00, 0x80 to the device - What is that configuring on the device? Are there other options/features?
There is also a “getfilterData” function that essentially takes the three (3) middle values of five (5) readings passes and averages them. Please explain the engineering logic behind that function.
Please also explain the presureDataL, tempDataL, and status in the sLwlp_t struc. I assume that there is a checksum(?) and perhaps an error status that should be monitored?
In looking at this line in the code in the :
lwlp.presure=(lwlp.presureData/16384.0)*(MAX_PRESURE+MIN_PRESURE)-MIN_PRESURE - lwlp.presureDrift;
We note however that lwlp.presureDrift is simply the prior runs lwlp.presure; which gives pause. Especially when succesive getData and getfilterData result in pressure readings bouncing between -.07 and 12.5 Pa with both ports open to ambient.
Trying to construct a very low energy mesurement solution and having to use 600ms to get uncertain data is not what I need from the device. As part of the low power stratagy, either the device has to be placed in a sleep mode that stays within a power budget, or the power has to be applied and removed from the device to conserve watts. Not knowing the startup effects on the sensor accuracy and delay wait times leads to missed opportunities for optimization.
Please provide additional DETAILED data sheet information on configuration rules and timing for the device; we KNOW you didn't build it and any reputable sensor producer will have that information freely available.
Knowing the sensor power limits, accuracy, drift, and programing tradeoffs will go a long way to making the $35 price (+S&H) worthwhile. Given that a 9-axis inteligent gyro sensor package is half the price with a complete BOSCH datasheet - you should understand the frustation.