
LP[2G/32GB - CR200]-BIOS for 10inch display-it enables the high resolution at boot time?

userHead Castellano Pasquale 2017-12-19 18:21:48 1835 Views0 Replies
Hi Guys!
I noticed the presence of a new IPS display (10 inch) and the presence of a custom BIOS for using it.
In the previous BIOS, when you don't connect any display to the Lattepanda, the enabled resolution at boot time is 1024x600 (the IPS 7inch's resolution).
Could the new custom BIOS for 10inch display enable the maximum resolution at boot time, without connect any display to the board? (it would be very nice for people that uses others remote desktop programs such as Teamviewer or Supremo).

Thanks a lot!