I2C address of SEN0343 differential pressure sensor

userHead JEFF.LEPAGE 2024-01-23 23:08:11 245 Views2 Replies

Regarding the SEN0343  differential pressure sensor  … Can the i2c address be changed ?  


The address is 0x00.  I was under the impression that there are 10 reserved addresses, and 0x00 is one of those.   See https://www.i2c-bus.org/addressing/#:~:text=The%20address%20is%207%20bits,are%20reserved%20for%20special%20purposes.


The choice of 0x00 as the i2c addresses seems problematic.  Am I missing something?


BTW, I'm attempting to use this sensor with a raspberry pi.   I was eventually able to detect the sensor using i2cdetect on linux.  However, I had to use the -a option (force scanning of non-regular addresses).  

2024-01-29 06:52:48

Yes im having the same issues. If you end up getting the sensor to work on your raspberry pi, please let me know.

userHeadPic Andy.Lowe
2024-01-29 00:25:05

I do not see any option to change the I2C address in this library: https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_LWLP

If you want an absolute Pressure Sensor, you can consider INFENEON KP236N6165 Absolute pressure sensor:



userHeadPic lia.ifat