Looking for a tutorial for firebeetle c6 with solar panel and battery.

userHead iisfaq 2024-02-27 13:51:41 565 Views1 Replies

Has anyone seen any tutorials on using the firebettle c6 with a solar panel. Along with the power requirements to run the device 24/7



2024-02-28 03:57:23

DFRobot doesn't have a direct routine for solar battery power monitoring.
But based on your needs, Here is some separate info of Solar battery.


1. Solar panels
We recommend you use the solar panels linked below.
And connect it to VIN and GND of FireBeetle 2 ESP32 C6.


18650 batteries is not recommended , although they have the same voltage as 3.7V Lipo. But their charging cut-off voltages are different.
You could look for a 3.7V Lipo like the link below.


3. Power detection
The standard battery power monitoring procedures is here for your reference.


Hope this could be helpful.

userHeadPic Yeez_B