Forum >Huskylens and arduino software serial

Huskylens and arduino software serial

userHead Delavel 2024-03-07 07:00:02 490 Views3 Replies


I have a project with the Huskylens running nicely on an arduino uno, using the i2C interface.  MY project now requires a second uno, and I would like to have the 2 Unos communicating via the SoftwareSerial library.

I think that I have read somewhere that using this library causes problems when a Huskylens is being used - could I please ask if anyone has any advice about this, many thanks.

2024-03-08 01:23:13

Thanks for the replies.  Unfortunately, I cannot find a link to where I read this - but in the near future, I'll be linking the 2 Arduinos via serial, and if I experience any issues (or not), will report back here.

userHeadPic Delavel
2024-03-07 17:34:27


The software serial library can't do simultaneous tx and rx operations, so use this library for either tx or rx at a time. It doesn't matter how many serial com you use in your program.

userHeadPic Raj.Kunwor
2024-03-07 17:21:26

The current known issue is that HuskyLens cannot communicate via baud rates other than 9600bps.
The SoftwareSerial library has not been found to conflict with the HuskyLens library. At least I've tested that it's fine to use SoftwareSerial to drive another sensor while I2C connected to the HuskyLens. Would you mind posting where you saw this problem?

userHeadPic Yeez_B