
SIM7600G Shield and Arduino Mega

userHead doug.danley 2024-03-09 06:06:58 127 Views1 Replies

I have successfully operated the SIM7600G shield with an Arduino UNO, but when I plug it into an Arduino Mega (nothing else attached) I can't get it to respond. I am using softwareserial and the most basic sample program from the WIKI. I am powering the Shield via the USB port from a charger block.

Any advice would be appreciated.


2024-03-10 23:48:51

Okay. I figured it out. So simple in retrospect.

I simply removed the two jumpers on the SIM7600G shield which link TX and RX to D7 and D8 since these are used to set up the SoftwareSerial.

I then connectd TX on the shield to Serial1 RX on the arduino and RX on the shield to Serial 1 TX on the Mega.  Changed the program to replace SoftwareSerial with Serial1  and loaded the sketch.  Worked first time. Onward!


userHeadPic doug.danley