
DFPlayer PRO MP3 module lock up

userHead Joseph.DeLaPaz 2024-03-09 09:06:13 93 Views0 Replies

Hello Tech Support,


Please help.  I have purchased 5 of these DFPlayer PRO MP3 player modules recently and they all randomly get locked up after they seem to function for a little bit.  I am sending commands to them from my Arduino UNO.  I send commands for play, pause, mode change, etc.  Each one will work for a bit, but after sending subsequent commands to control the modules they will each get locked up where I can’t use them because they get in this mode repeating the voice MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC….  At this point they become unusable once this happens.  Removing the power does not reset the modules. 


I can’t keep buying these DFPlayer PROs with this buggy firmware.  I know I am not the only one experiencing this issue with these modules.  The DFRobot forum and the internet searches have no solutions to offer to fix them.  I need to use this module for the project I am building.  I need assistance (Please) to find out what is going on with these.  Can anyone in tech support provide instructions on how to re-flash the firmware so I can get them back to normal functionality?  Surely, this is a simple process to flash firmware so it can be functional again.


Can someone please help?


Your support is greatly appreciated.


Thank You

Joseph DeLaPaz