
12A Dual Channel Motor driver wiring(SKU:DFR0601)

userHead Thomas.Hertig 2024-03-29 16:27:02 256 Views3 Replies

Hi everyone.
I am looking for the correct hookup for this Dual Channel driver.(SKU:DFR0601).
I try to control it with an Arduino Nano. I/O Connections similar as on the product page.
The 12V Power Supply is connected to the Driver Power Input, and at the same time to the Arduino Vin and GND Pins, both with fuses.

Testwise, there are small motors connected.
When I connect the 5V/GND from Arduino to the 5V VCC/GND at the driver, the Supply voltage drops, and the current rises. The Power Supply Over Current protection is set to 12V, 500mA. Also no control function with the sample code, nothing happens.
The state LED at the board is red, until I connect 5V, then all LEDS (Arduino & State) turn off.

Can anyone help please!

Thank you in advance7!


2024-04-10 12:10:18

Do you have a reference for how the wiki is used? Especially Operating Logic.


userHeadPic Yeez_B
2024-03-31 19:18:55

there is the simplified schematic for my problerm. The original controller was not available as fritzing part, so added a similar one..

userHeadPic Thomas.Hertig
2024-03-31 19:14:06

userHeadPic Thomas.Hertig