
Romeo BLE on Devastator Motor Not Responding

userHead Account cancelled 2018-01-02 10:17:40 3490 Views2 Replies
I am brand new to this and am trying to figure out hot to interact with this board on the devastator platform. I installed the board on the devastator, connected the motors to the motor controller connections and power to the power connection. I turn it on and everything looks ok.

I then tried using the GoBLE app on my iPhone. I see it connecting, the LED blinks when a signal is sent, etc. No response from the motors. I disconnect on motor and connect it directly to power and it turns.

I then tried the sample code to control it via the WASD keys from a computer. I uploaded the code via USB cable and it does not respond either.

Does the GoBLE app work against it with not code uploaded? I am trying to make sure that the board is good (not faulty) and how to control it.

2018-01-13 09:09:28 Try an external power source. Power coming from the USB is not enough to drive the motors. If you are using a Romeo BLE board, make sure you have the motor switch powered off while you also have your USB cable connected to your computer.

Your Devestator Robot has a nice power adapter that is intended to connect to the battery case. To save batteries you might be able to find a 12VDc power adapter. I would not recommend an adapter that is greater than 2A (amps). This will provide enough power to drive both the board and the motors.

Hope this helps
userHeadPic jgialluca
2018-01-03 11:21:24 what's the code were you using to control Devastator with your GoBLE app, and when you using your PC to control it, did you use an BLE link to connect the PC to Romeo BLE? userHeadPic robert.chen