
Communicate URM14_RS485 with Arduino Uno

userHead Michael.Baker 2024-05-28 08:03:16 89 Views0 Replies


I have a URM14_RS485 (SKU:SEN0358), RS485 Arduino Shield (SKU:DFR0259), and an Arduino Uno board.


I tried using the example code on the [wiki page]



But unfortunately my Uno ran out of memory to compile the library (ArduinoModbus and ArduinoRS485). Also the compiler said that my board may be incompatible with the library.


I found some related topic in the forum regarding URM14 and Arduino, that said that user need to read the protocol and do some modification in the coding themselves.


Can anyone please help me understand the protocol and a little guide on how to write the code myself? Or if there are any other way like other libraries that I could use of?

Thank you.