
Communication is not working when connected arduino due with SIM7600CE -T

userHead Mad.pati 2024-05-30 20:31:00 65 Views3 Replies

I am using arduino due with SIM7600CE -T  the wiring looks like below.


But when i send AT command it dosnt show OK message

2024-05-30 20:58:17

Sorry please ignore the previous comment the code I use to do the communication is 

userHeadPic Mad.pati
Yeez_B wrote:

I think that the Due does not compatible with the TEL0124, as the due is a 3.3V microcontroller and the working voltage of TEL0124 is 5V.

Would you switch into Ardunio UNO, Mega or Leonardo?

2024-05-31 13:42:56
1 Replies
2024-05-30 20:49:59

<code> void setup() { // Initialize serial communication with the computer Serial.begin(9600); // Adjust baud rate as needed // Initialize serial communication with the SIM7600CE module Serial1.begin(9600); // Adjust baud rate as needed // Wait for the SIM7600CE module to initialize delay(5000); // Send an AT command to the SIM7600CE module Serial1.println("AT"); } void loop() { // Check if data is available from the SIM7600CE module if (Serial1.available()) { // Read the response from the SIM7600CE module String response = Serial1.readString(); // Print the response to the serial monitor Serial.println("Response from SIM7600CE module: " + response); } // Check if data is available from the computer if (Serial.available()) { // Read the data from the computer char command =; // Send the data to the SIM7600CE module Serial1.print(command); } } </code>

userHeadPic Mad.pati