Forum >Problem regarding DFRobot 426-DFRO300-H is a Gravity Series Analog Sensor/Meter (K=10)
Problem regarding DFRobot 426-DFRO300-H is a Gravity Series Analog Sensor/Meter (K=10)

Hello! I am trying to configure an analog EC sensor with a Raspberry Pi using the Gravity: I2C ADS1115
16-Bit ADC Module and the library found at the DFRobot GitHub repository
master/python/raspberrypi. However, the EC readings from the probe do not match the expected 12.88ms/cm solution, and I am seeking assistance to resolve this issue! Currently the reading shows a relatively constant EC=1.50 mS/cm instead of the expected 12.88ms/cm. Is there an alternative library for the raspberry pi Aswell?