Connecting SEN0546 to Raspberry Pi

userHead Jackson.Ryan 2024-06-07 00:36:49 86 Views2 Replies

Hi, I recently acquired a SEN0546 Temperature/RH sensor and I am trying to connect it to my raspberry pi using python, but I am struggling to write the code as this is new to me. I see that the sensor was originally designed with the Arduino in mind with the C++ sample code and such. Can someone provide advice on how I would write similar python code to get this sensor to work on my raspberry pi? 

2024-07-01 17:34:57

To interface the SEN0546 Temperature/RH (Relative Humidity) sensor with your Raspberry Pi using Python, you can follow these steps. The SEN0546 sensor typically communicates over I2C protocol, which is well-supported on the Raspberry Pi.

### Requirements:

1. **Raspberry Pi**: Any model with GPIO pins (such as Raspberry Pi 3/4).
2. **SEN0546 Sensor**: Temperature and Humidity sensor.
3. **Python Libraries**: `smbus` or `gpiozero` for I2C communication.

### Steps to Interface SEN0546 with Raspberry Pi:

#### 1. Connect the Sensor:

Ensure your SEN0546 sensor is connected to the Raspberry Pi correctly. Typically, you'll connect the sensor's VCC and GND pins to the appropriate power and ground pins on the Raspberry Pi. Connect the SDA (data) and SCL (clock) pins to the corresponding GPIO pins on the Pi (GPIO2 and GPIO3 for I2C on Raspberry Pi).

#### 2. Enable I2C Interface on Raspberry Pi:

If not already enabled, enable the I2C interface on your Raspberry Pi. You can do this via the `raspi-config` tool:
sudo raspi-config
Navigate to `Interfacing Options` -> `I2C` and enable it. Reboot your Raspberry Pi after enabling.

#### 3. Install Required Python Libraries:

Open a terminal on your Raspberry Pi and install the necessary Python libraries:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-smbus
sudo apt-get install i2c-tools

#### 4. Write Python Code:

Here's an example Python script (``) to read temperature and humidity from the SEN0546 sensor using Python and the `smbus` library:

import smbus
import time

# Define I2C bus (usually 1 on Raspberry Pi)
bus = smbus.SMBus(1)

# I2C address of SEN0546 sensor
address = 0x44

# Command to read temperature and humidity
read_cmd = 0xE0

def read_sensor():
   # Send read command
   bus.write_byte(address, read_cmd)
   # Wait for measurement to be ready (16-bit ADC)
   # Read 6 bytes of data
   data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(address, 0x00, 6)
   # Extract temperature and humidity from data
   temp = ((data[0] << 8) | data[1]) * 175.0 / 65535.0 - 45.0
   humidity = ((data[3] << 8) | data[4]) * 100.0 / 65535.0
   return temp, humidity

   while True:
       temperature, humidity = read_sensor()
       print(f"Temperature: {temperature:.2f} °C, Humidity: {humidity:.2f} %")
       time.sleep(2)  # Wait for 2 seconds before next reading

except KeyboardInterrupt:

### Explanation:

- **Import Libraries**: Import `smbus` for I2C communication and `time` for delays.
- **Initialize I2C Bus**: Create an instance of `SMBus(1)` for I2C bus 1 (check your Raspberry Pi model for the correct bus number).
- **Read Command**: `read_cmd = 0xE0` is the command to request temperature and humidity data.
- **Reading Data**: `bus.read_i2c_block_data(address, 0x00, 6)` reads 6 bytes of data from the sensor.
- **Conversion**: Data is converted into temperature (in °C) and humidity (%).

### Running the Script:

Save the script (``) on your Raspberry Pi and run it:

The script will continuously read and print temperature and humidity data from the SEN0546 sensor.

### Notes:

- Ensure the I2C address (`0x44` in this example) matches your SEN0546 sensor. Check the sensor's datasheet for the correct address.
- Adjust the code if your sensor has different I2C addressing or communication protocols.
- This example assumes the SEN0546 sensor provides temperature and humidity data via I2C. Adjustments may be necessary based on sensor specifications or changes in sensor design.

By following these steps and adapting the example code as needed, you should be able to successfully interface the SEN0546 Temperature/RH sensor with your Raspberry Pi using Python.

userHeadPic JAMES.JACK
2024-06-28 02:34:49

Is this sensor support by the RPi, can someone from DFRobot confirm this? 

userHeadPic Jackson.Ryan